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江苏科伦多集团现新建一工厂—江苏沙英喜实业有限公司,大规模生产各种级别的硫酸镁,有工业级硫酸镁,食品级硫酸镁,医药级硫酸镁,化学试剂硫酸镁,分析纯硫酸镁,年产10万吨,能满足大部分客户的采购需求,品质稳定,价格优势显著,希望能与您建立良好的合作关系。 一、化学名:硫酸镁 二、分子式:MgSO4·7H2O, 干燥品,MgSO4·nH2O 三、分子量:246.47(七水) 四、CAS:10034-99-8(七水),7487-88-9(干燥品) 五、性状:无色柱状或针状细晶体,呈清凉咸苦味,无臭,密度为2.65g/cm3。在48℃以下的潮湿空气中稳定,在温热空气中易风化。极易溶于水(119.8%,20℃)和甘油,水溶液呈中性,微溶于乙醇。 六、用途:营养增补剂、固化剂、增味剂、加工助剂。酿造用添加剂,补充酿造用水的镁,作为发酵时的营养源,提高发酵能力;改善合成清酒的风味(0.002%);调整水的硬度。 七、包装:内衬聚乙烯塑料袋,外套塑料编织袋,每袋净重25千克。 八、贮存与运输:应贮存在干燥、通风、清洁的库房中,防止雨淋、受潮,应与有毒物品隔离堆放。 感官要求:气味正常,无异味及异臭.
1、Chemical Name: MAGNESIUM SULFATE 2、Molecular Formula: MgSO4·7H2O, dry,MgSO4·nH2O 3、Molecular Weight: 246.47(Heptahydrate) 4、CAS: 10034-99-8(Heptahydrate),7487-88-9(Anhydrous) 5、Character: It’s colorless prismatic or needle-shaped crystal. It’s odorless. It tastes cool, salty and bitter. Relative density is 2.65. It’s steady in damp air under 48℃. When it is in warm and hot air, it is easily effloresce. It is easily soluble in water (119.8%, 20℃) and glycerine,slightly soluble in ethanol. The aqueous solution is neutral. 6、Usage: In food industry, it is used as nutritional supplement, solidification, the flavor increase,process helper,brew additive. It is used as nutritional supplement to improve ferment in brew and the improvement of the synthesizes drink taste(0.002%). It also can adjust the aqueous degree of hardness. 7、Packing: It is packed with polyethylene bag as inner, and a composite paper bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg. 8、Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dry, ventilating and cleaning warehouse, kept away from moisture and hot. Furthermore, it should be stored separately from poisonous. |
技术支持:科伦多信息部 电话:0518-85115196