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二甲酸钾现在广泛应用于饲料添加剂,获得广大客户的一致好评。 Canibe(2001)报道在仔猪开食料中添加二甲酸钾可以降低消化道各段食糜中厌氧菌、乳酸杆菌、大肠杆菌和酵母菌的含量。Paulicks(2000)报道添加二甲酸钾可提高断奶仔猪的日增重和采食量。 一、化学名:二甲酸钾 二、分子式:C2H3KO4 三、分子量:130.14 四、CAS:243-934-6 五、性状:白色结晶颗粒或粉末,味酸,高温下易分解。 六、用途:作为饲料防腐剂、防霉剂、调节剂,促生长剂。 七、包装:内衬聚乙烯塑料袋,外套复合塑料编织袋包装,每袋净重25kg。 八、贮存与运输:本品应贮存在干燥通风清洁的库房中,装载运输时要轻装轻放,防止包装破损,防止受潮、受热,运输过程中防止雨淋受潮,应与有毒物品隔离。
1、Chemical Name: Potassium diformate 2、Molecular Formula: C2H3KO4 3、Molecular Weight: 130.14 4、CAS: 43-934-6 5、Character: White crystalline particles or powder, sour taste, easy to decompose at high temperature. 6、Usage: As feed preservative mildew control agent, promoting growth agent. 7、Packing: It is packed with a polyethylene bag as the inner layer, and a compound plastic woven bag as the outer layer. The net weight of each bag is 25kg . 8、Storage and Transport: It should be stored in a dry and ventilation warehouse, kept away from heat and moisture during transportation, unloaded with care so as to avoid damage. Furthermore, it must be stored separately from poisonous substances.
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